World Ocean Day
Every year on the 8th of June, we celebrate World Ocean Day.
But why is it so important? The oceans are the lifeblood of this planet. They cover over 70% of the Earth's surface, regulate the climate, provide us with food and resources, and are home to an extraordinary amount of biodiversity.
World Ocean Day serves as a global reminder that the oceans face more threats now than at any other time in history. Plastic pollution, overfishing, deep sea and seabed mining, and climate change are all taking a toll. This day is a chance to raise awareness about these dangers and inspire action.
At the Long Bay Great Park Society we work to protect our local marine reserve and preserve it for future generations.
If you would like to support our work please donate here
Featured News
See all news >Planting Day 19 May 2024
Long Bay Regional Park Planting Day 19 May, 10am, Site 4
This year we will be working with Auckland Council to do erosion protection planting above the dunes - a continuation of last year’s planting.
All welcome.
Please bring gardening gloves if you have them, water bottle and wear suitable footwear. Spades will be provided but you might like to bring a favourite gardening implement. Thank you to Auckland Council for your support of this important day.

AGM Guest Speaker Raewyn Peart from EDS, 28 April
28 March
Don’t miss Raewyn Peart from EDS speaking at our AGM, 28 April The Annual General Meeting 20...
Read more >
World Ocean Day
Every year on the 8th of June, we celebrate World Ocean Day.
But why is it so important? The oceans are the lifeblood of this planet. They cover over 70% of the Earth's surface, regulate the climate, provide us with food and resources, and are home to an extraordinary amount of biodiversity.
World Ocean Day serves as a global reminder that the oceans face more threats now than at any other time in history. Plastic pollution, overfishing, deep sea and seabed mining, and climate change are all taking a toll. This day is a chance to raise awareness about these dangers and inspire action.
At the Long Bay Great Park Society we work to protect our local marine reserve and preserve it for future generations.
If you would like to support our work please donate here